Want to batch add your dates and connect relations?

(It’s faster and easier than connecting data as you go…)

Step 1

Select all the entries in either the Monday first or Sunday first database below (there’s a “Select all” checkbox when you hover beside the left of the Name property), click on the 3-dot menu in the modal that appears (or any of the 6 dot block icons while all entries are highlighted), and select Move to. Choose the database in the template provided.


Monday Start

Sunday Start

Step 2

Once you’ve moved all your weeks into the database, you can batch connect the weeks to the related months below. Select all entries in each month group, and change the relation to the desired month.



Step 3

Once you’ve added the weekly agendas, you will want to connect your Journals to their respective Weeks. Repeat the same process as above, this time selecting the Journals in each week, and updating the relation property.
